
We will have several competition machines for you and you can excessively test your stuff until you're satisfied. In any emergency we probably also can use your hardware as long as you provide it. If you need any exotic stuff for your prod please deliver it with the package but keep in mind, that it adds to the filesize limits!
If your entry does not work we will do our best to make it work ! We are not Assembly, where you'll be disqualified when your demo does not autodetect the soundcard. If your demo needs a reboot before it runs we will reboot the compo machine! If your demo needs 610k DOS-mem we will try to get 610k DOS-mem! If your demo has a buggy sound-setup we will try all possibilities to make the sound work! When you need DOS booted we will boot DOS!
We will not discriminate any platforms. If you make a DOS-demo, do it. We will also not tell you at this place "try to make a windows demo, sucker !", we will accept everything. Just make it cool!
If there are too many entries in one compo, we may preselect very lame entries. As always, productions showing extreme violence or pornography will be disqualified.
If you have any comments or suggestions about the compos and rules do not hesitate to contact us.

For DOS-Entries:
DOS4GW will be in the path.

For Windows-Entries:
Latest graphics-driver and DirectX will be installed. No alpha/beta-drivers. Your entry should run in Windows 98 and Windows XP.
DOS-Droppers are allowed.

For Linux-Entries:
You can use glx, libSDL, Framebuffer, OSS and ALSA. We will have an up-to-date Linux-Distribution to run your entry.
GZEXE-like script-packers are allowed.
Your entry shouldn't depend on any specific distribution. If you use GCC 2.x, please check that your entry also works on GCC 3.2-machines.

Compo-Machines: Machine A:
Pentium III 933 MHz
128 MB RAM
ATI Radeon Mobility M6 LY (8 MB)
Onboard Intel Sound
Gentoo Linux 1.4rc1, Windows XP

Machine B:
AMD Athlon 700 MHz
256 MB RAM
ATI Radeon 9500 64 MB
Onboard AC'97 Sound (native DOS-driver)
Gentoo Linux 1.4rc1, Windows 98, DOS

Machine C:
AMD Duron 700
256 MB RAM
Geforce II MX 32MB
Original ISA SoundBlaster 16
Windows 98, Windows XP

PC demo
- DOS, Linux and Windows entries
- maximum unpacked size of all files is 8mb (read it again: 8mb !)
- maximum running time: as long as you like it, but try not to exceed a 15min limit :))

PC 64k intro
- DOS, Linux and Windows entries
- only one executable file
- maximum unpacked size is 64k/65536 bytes
- maximum running time: as above

PC 4k intro
- DOS, Linux and Windows entries
- only one executable file
- maximum unpacked size is 4k/4096 bytes
- maximum running time: as above

PC 256byte intro
- DOS, Linux and Windows entries (would be interesting if itīs possible)
- only one executable file
- maximum unpacked size is 256 bytes
- maximum running time: as above or the possibility to stop with ESC

PC 64byte intro
- DOS, Linux and Windows ;-)
- maximum unpacked size is 64 bytes
- the intro can run forever, you don't have to implement a time-limit or a break-key

PC 32byte intro
- DOS, Linux and Windows ;-)
- maximum unpacked size is 32 bytes
- the intro can run forever, you don't have to implement a time-limit or a break-key

C64 demo
- maximum running time: as above

C64 4k intro
- maximum unpacked size (guess it?) 4k/4096 bytes
- maximum running time: as above

TextMode demo compo
- DOS, Linux and Windows
- maximum unpacked size of all files is 8mb
- maximum running time: as long as you like it, but try not to exceed a 15min limit :))
- Resolution has to be 80x25
- if entry has music, it has to be PC-Speaker

Wild demo compo
- only programmed entries, no plain videos
- all weird platforms you might imagine
- you have to help us to get the thing on our beamer

multichannel music
- IT/XM/MOD formats
- maximum unpacked file size is 1.44mb (one floppy disk)
- maximum playing time: no limit, it will be faded out after 5 minutes
- will be played with the latest mikmod

- OGG format
- maximum unpacked file size is 5mb
- maximum playing time: no limit, it will be faded out after 5 minutes
- will be played with the latest mplayer

C64 sid music
- SID format
- maximum playing time: no limit, it will be faded out after 5 minutes

PC Speaker music - DOS, Windows and Linux
- enter a programmed track or a player with the track

Happy Hardcore
- IT/XM/MOD/MP3/OGG formats
- maximum playing time: no limit, it will be faded out after 5 minutes
- will be played with the latest mikmod or mplayer

- IT/XM/MOD/MP3/OGG formats
- maximum playing time: no limit, it will be faded out after 5 minutes
- will be played with the latest mikmod or mplayer

pixel grafix
- common graphics-format (PNG, TIF, BMP, PCX, ...)
- will be viewed with gqview
- maximum resolution is 1024x768
- maximum color depth is 24bpp
- pure scans and rendered elements are not allowed

raytraced grafix
- common graphics-format (PNG, TIF, BMP, PCX, ...)
- will be viewed with gqview
- maximum resolution is 1024x768
- maximum color depth is 24bpp
- must not contain scanned or handdrawn elements

C64 grafix
- as usual

ASCII compo
- ASCII only, no ANSI stuff (must be a *plain* textfile)
- 80x25 or 80x50 resolution (tell us which to use)
- no multipage/scrollable artworks
- will be displayed with DOS-type

ANSI compo
- must be viewable with IceView
- maximum resolution is 80x1000
- screenmode is 80x25
- will be displayed in textmode and vga

fast size-coding
- special rules are announced during the party
- we will show you an effect and the crappy source of it and you have to code it as small as possible
- must work on one of the compo machines
- coding time is limited to somewhat up to 2 hours

beer brewing
Rules will be announced at the party

real-life quake
If we find anyone playing Quake, CounterStrike, Halflife, Unreal, ...
Site created by Mecronome